Simple fees

Know exactly what you pay for. No nonsense fees.

How much you'll pay

You pay a percentage on your total investments — or "assets under management" in finance jargon.
Pay less as you continue investing.

Your investment Fee
Less than €50,000 1%
Between €50,000 and €100,000 0.85%
Between €100,000 and €250,000 0.70%
More than €250,000 0.60%
Your investment Fee
Less than €50k 1%
Between €50k and €100k 0.85%
Between €100k and €250k 0.70%
More than €250k 0.60%

What you pay for

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Globally diversified portfolio of index funds

Your money is invested in funds that suit you, your level of risk and financial goals.

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The buying and selling done for you

No extra fees when making transactions.

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All your money working for you

Fractional shares means that every single cent of yours is invested.

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Aligned to your goals at all times

Your portfolio is automatically rebalanced and adapts to your situation.

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Taxes sorted

TOB, Reynders tax... We know that no one enjoys figuring this out.

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Withdraw at any time

Plus, there's no fee to get your money out.

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Secure investments

They're managed by NNEK, an investment firm supervised by the Dutch finance regulator (AFM). This means they're also protected by the European Investor Protection Scheme.

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24/7 access

Always know where your are on your investment journey.

In essence, you get peace of mind.


Questions you may have

Do I always pay 1% on my first €50,000?

Yes. Once your total investment passes €50,000, you will pay 0.85% on the excess amount until €100,000. And then 0.70% on the part exceeding €100,000, and so on.

Why would I pay a fee when I can do it myself?

First of all, we're happy that you understand the importance of investing. After all, our vision is for millennials to be financially secure. Even if you choose to invest by yourself, we're happy either way.

So you're more than welcome to inspire yourself from the portfolios and implement them yourself. Please note that those funds are only accessible to institutional investors, which means you won't be able to replicate it entirely on your own. But you can get close enough by buying similar ETFs.

However, if you:

  • don't want to handle the taxes
  • don't want to spend time choosing a broker
  • don't want to spend time making the trades
  • don't want to figure out a rebalancing strategy and execute on it
  • want fractional shares
  • want peace of mind that your investments are taken care of

...then you're welcome to sign up!

Are there any additional costs?

The fee covers everything except for the Reynders tax, which is the Belgian tax on capital gains for bond funds. It amounts to 30% on the profit and is charged when you sell parts of your investments and when your portfolio is rebalanced. For example, if you have €100 worth of bonds in your portfolio and end up selling it for €130, your net profit will only be €21. The other €9 will go to the Belgian state through this tax. If the Reynders tax applies to your situation, you will receive the necessary information to declare and pay it.

What about the total expense ratio (TER)?

Fund providers charge this fee for managing their funds. They automatically deduct it from the performance of the fund so you're not charged on top of the fee. The funds in your portfolio are carefully selected to have a low TER between 0.13% and 0.25%, and they're monitored closely.

Do I still have to pay the fee if my investments go down?

Yes. Fluctuations in the markets are part of all long-term investment journeys.

How do you charge the fee?

You are charged every quarter. The day before a quarter begins, 1/4th of the fee is calculated based on the total value of your portfolio on that day. we then charge you for the quarter in advance.

Fractional shares means that all your money is invested. Parts of your investments are sold in proportion to your portfolio to cover the fee.

You get a full breakdown of costs in your quarterly reports as well as your transactions log, which you can access directly in the app.

What about the transaction tax (TOB / "beurstaks" / "taxe boursière")?

When investing in any of the portfolios, you don't have to pay any transaction tax.

Belgian residents are required to pay a transaction tax on each purchase and sale of a financial asset, for instance stocks, ETFs, bonds... However, funds that meet certain conditions are exempt. And all funds in your portfolio meet these criteria.

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