We take the safety of your investments seriously.
We're an investment firm regulated by the Dutch financial authorities (AFM).
For your safety and convenience, they're kept by the custodian, the Stichting Noordenderlandse Beleggersgiro, which is a separate and independent entity.
This ensures that you keep all your assets in the event of us shutting down.
Fractional shares means that every single cent of yours is invested.
Your money is invested only in funds run by Vanguard, iShares (by BlackRock) and Amundi.
This scheme ensures that your assets are protected for up to €20,000, as a last resort against fraud or embezzlement.
No long term contracts, no penalties, no fees to leave...
You're in control.
The use of itsme makes sure that only you can ever access your account.
NNEK (or Noordnederlands Effektenkantoor in full) manages your investments. We've been growing our customers' wealth in the Netherlands since 1986, and are licensed as an investment firm by the AFM, the Dutch financial regulator.
Curvo is a trade name of NNEK, registered with the Chamber of Commerce (NL) under number 02017874. NNEK (or ‘Noordnederlands Effektenkantoor’ in full) manages your investments.
Your investments are held by the Stichting Noordnederlandse Beleggersgiro. This custodian is an entirely separate legal entity. Its sole task is to administer and safeguard your investments. By law it cannot perform any commercial activities. It is overseen by an independent board, and it is supervised by both the AFM (the Dutch finance regulator) and the DNB (the Dutch national bank).
Learn the intricacies of how the custodian safeguards your assets.
The main goal of the European regulatory framework for investment firms is to protect consumers such as yourself. For instance, it makes sure that:
Before the EU introduced the European Investor Protection Scheme, there were cases where fraudulent behaviour by investment firms went undetected and customers suffered losses. The scheme protects up to €20,000 of your investments against fraud and embezzlement, and it applies to all European customers of an investment firm, including you. Investing in the stock market does carry a risk as investments can go up and down and this does scheme does not cover losses due to a market downturn.
Learn more on the AFM's website (Dutch regulator) (only in Dutch)