A person declaring their TOB with the background of the Belgian flag

Declaring the TOB: the complete guide (tax on stock exchange transactions)

July 2, 2023
14 minutes
Last updated on
October 14, 2024

Are you an investor in Belgium who needs to declare the TOB (Tax on Stock Exchange Transactions) but doesn't know where to start? In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of handling your own TOB declaration. If you're investing with a broker that doesn't handle TOB, this can be quite the administrative burden. But we've got you covered. By the end of this article, you'll have all the knowledge and tools to confidently declare TOB on your own.

What is the TOB?

The TOB is a levy imposed on certain transactions involving financial instruments. It's an important aspect of investing in Belgium as it directly affects the cost of buying and selling ETFs, stocks, bonds, and other financial instruments.

Investors in Belgium are required to declare and pay the TOB on eligible transactions, ensuring compliance with the tax regulations. While many brokers handle the TOB declaration process on behalf of their clients, there are situations where you may need to handle it themselves.

How much is the TOB?

Calculating the TOB for your investments is a crucial step in the declaration process. We will provide a summary of the most frequent cases, but keep in mind that the calculation can vary depending on the type of financial instrument.

For the purpose of this guide, let's focus on calculating the TOB for an ETF (Exchange-Traded Fund). Preferably our ETF is registered in the European Economic Area (EEA) but not in Belgium. In that case, the TOB rate is 0.12% of the transaction value.

To calculate the TOB for an ETF transaction, follow these steps:

  1. Determine the transaction value: The number of shares of the ETF you traded, multiplied by the share price. The transaction value for the TOB should be net of fees. So don't include transaction fees charged by your broker in the calculation.
  2. Determine the TOB rate: The TOB rate can be 0.12%, 0.35% or 1.32%. Check out our guide for determining the TOB rate of an ETF.
  3. Multiply the transaction value by the TOB rate: Take the transaction value and multiply it by the TOB rate to calculate the TOB amount payable. If you bought €10,000 worth of an ETF that has a TOB tax rate of 0.12%, you will pay a TOB of €12.00.

You need to repeat this process for every transaction (both buying and selling) you undertook for the period you want to declare TOB for. So it is possible that different transactions have a different TOB rate.

Things can get a little more complicated if you're investing in a foreign currency. If that's the case then you'll have to convert the transaction value back to Euro using the official ECB exchange rates of the day the transaction took place.

Calculating the TOB is a cumbersome process, especially if you trade a lot. But remember, accurate calculation of the TOB is crucial for proper declaration and compliance with tax regulations. Taking the time to understand and calculate the TOB correctly will help ensure a smooth and accurate declaration process.

Do you have to declare the TOB?

Most Belgian brokers take care of the TOB declaration process for you. They automatically calculate the TOB and deduct it from your transactions, which hugely simplifies your administrative burden. They then typically provide you with transaction statements or reports that detail the TOB amounts deducted.

However, most foreign brokers do not handle the TOB. In this case, it becomes your responsibility to calculate and declare the TOB to the Belgian tax authorities.

Find out if your broker handles the TOB:

Broker TOB handled for you
Bolero 🟢 Yes
BUX 🟢 Yes
eToro 🔴 No
ING Self Invest 🟢 Yes
Interactive Brokers 🔴 No
Keytrade Bank 🟢 Yes
LYNX 🟢 Yes
MeDirect 🟢 Yes
Re=Bel 🟢 Yes
Revolut 🔴 No
Saxo Bank 🟢 Yes
Shares 🔴 No
Trade Republic 🔴 No
Trading 212 🔴 No

Read more about brokers in our guide to the best brokers in Belgium for ETFs.

When to pay the TOB?

The official website of the Federal Public Service of Finance mentions:

The party placing the order and responsible for the TOB tax must make the payment no later than the last working day of the second month following the month in which the transaction was entered into or executed.

For example, if you made transactions in the month of July, you can declare and pay the TOB up until the 30th of September. For more specific information regarding TOB payment deadlines and requirements, we refer to the official guidelines provided by the Belgian tax authorities.

How to declare and pay the TOB

Download the declaration form

Visit the official website of the Belgian tax authorities to find the current version of the TOB declaration form. They change it from time to time, to it's important to always use the most up-to-date version.

Complete the form

The TOB declaration form
Make sure to download the latest version of the declaration form from the website of the tax authorities

1. Period of declaration

Fill in the two months you want to declare the TOB for (you can also declare for a single month).

2. Identification

Cross out "Professional intermediary" and "representative in charge" if you're declaring the TOB on your own personal investments. In that case, just leave "Instructing party".

Then enter your national number, name and address in the designated section.

3. Transaction details

Fill in the details of your transactions subject to TOB in aggregate. Include the following information for each TOB rate:

  • Number: Number of transactions. So if you make one purchase and one sale, you should put "2".
  • Tax basis: The sum of all the transaction amounts, net of fees.
  • Tax amount: Tax to be paid by multiplying the tax basis by the respective TOB rate.

The add up the tax amounts for all the TOB rates, and enter it as the total amount of tax.

The second table "Calculation of the tax with upper limit" is for when your TOB payments would exceed the maximum cap:

  • €1,300 for the 0.12% rate
  • €1,600 for the 0.35% rate
  • €4,000 for the 1.32% rate

The tables on the second page are for when you seek reimbursement. This can happen under two circumstances:

  1. You paid too much tax in a previous declaration.
  2. If the withdrawal, modification or improvement of the relevant stock exchange prices results in the annulment or modification of a previous declaration.

4. Complete the total amount of the tax due

Simply fill in the sum of the totals of each table.

5. Re-read and sign

Read the declaration carefully, ensuring that all the information you provided is accurate and complete. Then add the date and sign!

Submit the form

The easiest way is to email your declaration form to [email protected]. Use "TOB declaration month X and month Y" as the subject line. You should receive a confirmation email within a couple of days.

You can also print the form out and send it by mail to:

Inningscentrum – Diverse Taksen
Koning Albert II-laan 33 bus 431
1030 Brussel

The declaration has to be filed at the latest on the day of the payment of the tax. In case the declaration is sent by post, delivery terms must be taken into account.

It's a good idea to keep a copy of the completed TOB declaration form for your records as evidence of your compliance.

Make the payment

You pay the total tax via bank transfer to:

BE39 6792 0022 9319 - PCHQ BE BB
Centre de perception - section taxes diverses
Boulevard du Roi Albert II 33 bte 431
1030 Bruxelles

It is important that you put as communication of the transfer "TOB - [your national number] - [time period of declaration]".

Remember to pay in time!

tobcalc: useful tool to help you declare your TOB

If you use Interactive Brokers, Trading 212 or Boursorama, you're lucky! The free online tool tobcalc can automatically generate the TOB declaration form based on your transaction data. Simply export a CSV of your transactions from your broker and import it into tobcalc. Keep in mind that it is still your responsibility to submit a correct form, so make sure to double check everything.

What happens if you don't pay the TOB?

Paying the TOB is a legal obligation for investors in Belgium. Failure to comply with TOB requirements can lead to various consequences, including legal and financial implications. It's important to understand the potential consequences of not paying theTOB:

  • Late filing: A fine of €50 per week with a maximum of €2,600 (equals to 52 weeks). It should be noted that a declaration must be filed every two months when taxable transactions have occurred.
  • Incorrect or incomplete filing: Five times the evaded tax, with a minimum of €250.
  • Late payment: Statutory late payment interest from the day the payment should have been made (7% per year).

It's important to understand that the consequences for not paying TOB can vary depending on the specific circumstances, and they're at the discretion of the tax authorities. We advise to consult a tax professional to fully understand the potential legal consequences and sanctions..

What to do if you forgot to pay?

Sometimes, despite your best intentions, you may forget to pay the TOB within the specified deadline. If you find yourself in this situation, it's crucial to take immediate action to rectify the oversight. Here's what you should do:

  1. Recognise the delay: As soon as you realise that you missed the TOB payment deadline, acknowledge the delay and understand the potential consequences of non-compliance. By addressing the situation promptly, you can minimise any further complications.
  2. Determine the outstanding amount: Calculate the total TOB amount that you failed to pay. This can be done by reviewing your transaction records and assessing the applicable tax rates based on the type of transactions you conducted.
  3. Contact the Belgian tax authorities: Reach out to the Belgian tax authorities to inform them about your missed TOB payment. It is recommended to contact the competent tax office responsible for TOB matters and explain the situation. Provide accurate details about the transactions and the amount of TOB owed. The tax authorities will guide you on the appropriate steps to rectify the issue. You can reach the Belgian Tax Authorities through phone (02 572 57 57) or email ([email protected]).
  4. Pay the outstanding TOB: Make the payment for the outstanding TOB as soon as possible. The tax authorities may provide instructions on how to submit the payment, including acceptable payment methods and any penalties or interest that may apply. Ensure that you respect their instructions and promptly settle the outstanding amount.
  5. Consider seeking professional advice: If you are uncertain about the appropriate course of action or require further guidance, it is advisable to consult a tax professional. They can provide personalized advice based on your specific circumstances and help you navigate the process of rectifying the missed TOB payment.
  6. Learn from the experience: Use the oversight as a learning opportunity. Take steps to prevent future delays by setting reminders for TOB payments, establishing an organized system for tracking your transactions, or exploring options to automate the TOB declaration and payment process.

It's important to note that the tax authorities may impose fines or interest on the outstanding TOB amount, depending on the circumstances. However, by promptly addressing the missed payment and demonstrating a willingness to rectify the situation, you can mitigate the potential consequences.

Several members of the /r/BEFire subreddit community have shared their experiences with forgetting their TOB declaration and payment. So far, it seems like the tax authorities have been lenient for their cases. Keep in mind that this does not offer any guarantee for your case though.

Remember, it is crucial to address any missed TOB payments promptly to maintain compliance with Belgian tax regulations. Timely action shows your commitment to fulfilling your tax obligations and helps avoid unnecessary complications in the future.

Should you do your own TOB declaration?

While handling your own TOB declaration may seem like a cost-effective and independent approach, it's important to consider the difficulties, administrative burden, and potential risks involved. Here are some factors to consider when deciding whether to handle your own TOB declaration:

  1. Complex calculation: The calculation of the TOB can be complex, especially if you engage in frequent or diverse transactions. Understanding the applicable tax rates, exemptions, and specific rules for different types of investments requires knowledge of the Belgian tax regulations. Errors in calculating the TOB can lead to inaccurate declarations and potential penalties.
  2. Time and administrative burden: Managing your own TOB declaration requires time and effort. You need to stay updated on the latest tax regulations, maintain detailed transaction records, and complete the necessary paperwork within the specified deadlines. This administrative burden can detract from your primary focus of managing your investments and achieving your financial goals.
  3. Risk of non-compliance: Mishandling TOB declarations can result in non-compliance with Belgian tax regulations. Failure to pay the correct amount or missing payment deadlines may lead to penalties, fines, or even legal consequences.

For these reasons, whether or not your broker declares the TOB for you can be a important factor in deciding on which broker to use.

No TOB with Curvo

Investing for your financial future is necessary, but can be quite daunting. On top of keeping up to date on all changes to taxes by the Belgian government, you also have to figure out what to invest in and with who. Curvo is built for people who realise they have to start investing, but they are not really sure where to start. All the complexities of investing are taken care, and you don't have to worry about any tax complexities.

An important benefit of Curvo is that your investments are exempt from the TOB. Indeed, some funds are exempt from the TOB, and the portfolios offered throught the Curvo app are composed of only these funds. Each portfolio is managed by NNEK, a Dutch investment firm supervised by the Dutch regulator (AFM). You eliminate the hassle and the administrative and fiscal risks of incorrectly declaring the TOB. Furthermore, this saves you time!

How Curvo works
When you invest through Curvo's app, you don't have to pay the TOB


Handling your own TOB declaration may seem overwhelming, but with the right tools and resources, you can confidently manage your tax obligations. By following the steps outlined in this guide and considering options like Curvo, you can simplify the TOB declaration process and ensure compliance with Belgian tax regulations. Remember, Curvo is here to help you on your investment journey, providing a seamless experience and allowing you to concentrate on growing your wealth while spending your time on things that matter to you (and not your investments).

Questions you may have

How do I declare stock market gains?

There are no capital gains taxes in Belgium on stocks, so you don't have to declare anything. Note that this principle does not apply if you actively buy and sell stocks frequently. In that case, the Belgian tax authorities might consider your stock market gains as professional income, making you pay high income taxes on your gains.

Learn more about all the taxes you need to know as a Belgian investor.